The Curmudgeon


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Family Problems

As Daveybloke tacks rightwards, blaming guns, gangs and general godlessness on the absence of a firm paternal presence, Tony and his chums are debating whether, as the party in power, they would do better to argue with the opposition or to emulate it. Daveybloke has promised tax breaks for married couples, on the grounds that "We need to encourage a culture that says the family is the most important part of society, sticking together is really important, commitment is important and dads have responsibilities". However, the Secretary of State for Faith Schools, Alan Johnson, will inform a conference next week that "not all children from married couples fare well, and other family structures are not irretrievably doomed to fail". Nevertheless, "strong relationships represent the key to successful parenting. And marriage represents the pinnacle of a strong relationship"; which would seem to indicate that, despite not in the least agreeing with Daveybloke, Johnson more or less agrees with Daveybloke. Still, Johnson is not in favour of tax breaks, which may precipitate a Cabinet split over whether the Government should "champion marriage"; or, in Standard English, discriminate against single parents. According to the Observer, the issue is "incendiary because it strikes at the heart of politicians' private lives", the private lives of Tony's subjects being a matter of lesser concern. Tony is "famed for one of the strongest marriages in politics" and is "said to be concerned that the Conservative leader's argument has resonance", which presumably means he agrees with it. Could it be that the whole lamentable New Labour story, with its criminal wars abroad and its police-state tactics at home, its privatisation of everything from the NHS through the honours system to the probation service, its lying and spying and abject failure to get the trains running on time, is due to Tony's having failed to achieve a proper work-life balance, and spent too much time with his family?


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