The Curmudgeon


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Foreign Interference

A British lieutenant-colonel attached to our boys in Basra suspects that a foreign power may be interfering in Iraqi affairs. Our boys in Basra are being attacked with mortars and rockets, and community leaders have told Lieutenant Colonel Justin Maciejewski that Iranian agents are paying Iraqis to do the dirty deeds. "All the information we are getting from the locals ... is that the vast majority of the violence against us is inspired from outside of Iraq and the people here very much believe that that is Iran," he said. Well, after all, what other explanation could there be? "Both the US and Britain have accused Iran of supplying armour-piercing explosive devices detonated by infra-red triggers, but they have been unable to prove it"; the Americans claim there are a hundred and fifty Iranian agents in Iraq "though this is impossible to confirm"; it seems we have been here before. Now, when could that have been? No, it's gone. Anyway, the Iranians "can't resist the temptation to make things difficult for the Brits", according to a diplomat, even though "Iran has a strong interest in stability", which the Brits have done so much to provide, not only in Afghanistan and Iraq but in Lebanon as well. Despite the Brits' ever-so-special relationship with the thug state threatening Iran from east, west and the Persian Gulf; despite the recent decision by the Brits' Party of God to continue flouting the nuclear non-proliferation treaty; despite the obliging way in which the Brits and their allies have opened the borders to charitable organisations like the NCRI, those oily Persians just can't keep their fingers out of other people's business. Somebody ought to teach them a damned good lesson, no doubt.


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